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Explore the finest lineup ever assembled.

GB1K/GC Series
5' – 5'8"

CX Series
5'3" – 7'6"

SX Series
6'1" – 7'6"

CF Series
6'3" – 9'
It starts with over 12,000 parts, fashioned from the finest aged woods and the world’s most advanced materials. Each piece is assembled by artisans in a tradition of old world craftsmanship. When it all comes together, and you touch the perfectly balanced keys and hear the rich harmonics and subtle, silky colors, you know it’s not just any grand piano. It’s a Yamaha.
Tour our Kakegawa Factory, where master craftsmen shape the natural materials that make up the heart of our grand pianos.
Each note of the grand piano has a unique personality. Yamaha artist Jamie Cullum visits the Kakegawa Factory where Yamaha master technicians meticulously voice, regulate and tune every piano.
Discover the Yamaha Iwata Forge, where master metalworkers sculpt molten iron into piano frames fit for a Yamaha.
Discover the Yamaha Iwata Forge, where master metalworkers sculpt molten iron into piano frames fit for a Yamaha.